EMF Protection in Barrie, ON

EMFs, or electromagnetic radiations, are a topic of concern across Canada, including Barrie. Many Barrie residents and parents have previously complained of getting EHS, or electromagnetic hypersensitivity, as a result of EMF exposure in their surroundings. Some parents have also demanded that WIFI be shut off in schools, claiming that their children suffer from EHS. It is critical to understand the harmful effects of EMF exposure on individuals and how it impacts their life, which is why the city of Barrie needs awareness and preparation to invest in EMF protection.
Barrie is close to major cities such as Toronto, Ottawa, and New York, making it easily accessible to the rest of the world and positioning it as a major trading hub. With a population of 151,535 as of 2021, the city not only has a varied economic sector that includes industry and technology, but it also has beautiful landscapes. It is critical for the city to maintain the quality of the surrounding ecosystem by eliminating EMF and integrating it into the environmental protection plan in order for residents to thrive.
EMFs or electromagnetic fields are produced by electronic appliances such as phones, tablets, microwaves, televisions, WIFI routers, cell phone towers, and medical equipment such as X-ray and CT scans.
You may be wondering why this is a public concern; well, these artificial fields have been linked to a variety of health issues such as sleep disorders, migraines, anxiety, and depression. When you are directly exposed to these electronic and wireless technologies, you are at a high risk of being exposed to harmful radiations.
Another source of radiation that should not be overlooked is cell phone towers. These cell phone towers have been expanding rapidly in recent years, with Rogers planning to improve their coverage in certain areas of the city of Barrie, including neighbourhoods where residents are constantly exposed to the RF (radio frequency) waves emitted by the towers. Despite the fact that there is a topic where EMF radiation at low frequencies will not cause serious health hazards, other reports have found that continuous and direct exposure to low-level EMFs can cause eye and skin conditions.
5G technology is another technological advancement that has people worried. This technology uses RF waves, which have been linked to cancer and other health complications. Furthermore, there have been numerous claims of people developing Electromagnetic hypersensitivity as a result of exposure to these radiations.
On the following website, Canadian Cellular Towers Map, you can view cellular towers found in different cities all over Canada.
Barrie Cellular Towers Map
Fortunately, there is always a solution to a problem. The Real EMF Protection provides effective protection from EMF emitted by electronic appliances that surround you throughout the day. You can optimize our portable EMF shielding products to provide maximum protection whether you are at home, at work, or outside.
Our popular products include,
  • EMF shielding paint:- coating conductive metals in your home or work palace protects you against EMFs, radio fields and microwaves from your electrical appliances

  •  EMF shielding garments: wearable hats, scarves, and sweaters create a blocking effect, so the radiation can’t penetrate your body.

  • EMF shielding accessories: phone, tablet, and computer accessories such as phone cases and stickers, as well as jewellery such as necklaces, can absorb those radiations in areas you are unaware of.
Our materials are designed using tested blocking materials such as copper, aluminum, and nickel.
Our products have also been proven to be reliable, as we ensure that all of our devices are tested before being sold, so you don’t have to worry about the quality. To find out more about our shielding systems, view products, as well as to get answers to your questions, please visit our website.