EMF Protection in Edmonton, AB

EMF is a major problem for many Canadian communities, and we cannot emphasize it enough. With numerous technical gadgets in demand and communication infrastructure ushering in the modern phone era, we should all be concerned about the harmful effects that would follow if we are not cautious. According to an investigation conducted by NCA near Millbourne Market Mall (one of the busiest malls) in Edmonton, highly severe radiation readings that topped out at 6.0 V/m peak signal were discovered. To establish a secure atmosphere where people are not exposed to significant health risks, many Edmonton residents must be aware of and practise EMF protection on a daily basis.
Before we go any further, let’s define EMF.

What is EMF?

EMF or electromagnetic fields are fields generated by objects with a current flow. That means whenever you turn on your TV or computer; EMF is present. The electronics we use daily are the primary source of artificial electromagnetic fields that can cause several health risks, including neurological damage, migraines, stress, sleep disorders and many others.
In addition to that, If you recently had a medical X-ray, MRI scan or CT scan, you have been exposed to ionization radiation and radio waves. This is extremely hazardous because ionization radiation contains enough energy to ionize atoms in your body and making them unstable. This will result in various organ failures as well as an increased risk of cancer and other health problems. Non-ionizing radiations, on the other hand, such as visible light, radiofrequency, and microwave, are less dangerous because they do not contain enough energy to form ions in living tissues, but they can still cause health problems by causing skin rashes, vision loss, fatigue, stress, anxiety, insomnia, and other symptoms.

Common types of EMFs and Examples

The type of EMFs found in communication technology is RF or radiofrequency. Microwave ovens are a typical example of a non-communicating RF source. RF can cause tissue heating and cell damage. According to Safety Code 6, RF ranging from 100 kHz to 300 GHz, tissue heating can occur and must be limited.
  • Cell phone towers, Bluetooth devices, baby monitors, cellphone, radio communications for police and fire departments,
AC electric fields
Electric fields are the most common type of fields, as most of our modern houses are loaded with electrical equipment. AC Electric Fields are created by active electrical wires; however, in some circumstances, these electrical fields are present even when your electrical equipment is turned off.
  • Electronics, lamps, light fixtures, electrical wiring in walls, floor and ceilings
AC magnetic fields
AC Magnetic fields are present wherever there is moving ac electrical flowing through a coil. The magnetic fields become stronger as the current flow increases. If your home’s electrical system is damaged, it can create a hot spot for magnetic fields.
  • Powerlines, transformers, AC/DC adaptors and home wiring issues
Dirty electricity
Dirty electricity is electricity that has been corrupted. It is produced by disturbances in the regular 60-Hz AC (alternating current) power flow. In order to save energy, most energy-saving technologies generate dirty electricity. Dirty electricity can cause more than just electrical equipment to fail. Some people claim to be electromagnetic hypersensitive due to dirty electricity.
  •  Dimmer light switches and compact fluorescent light bulbs

The danger of cellphone towers and 5G in Toronto

Cell Phone towers are another common source of radiation that has quickly spread across society. Cell Phone towers are now prominent in our communities, and we are mostly unaware of their danger. However, these towers explicitly expose us to radiation all day, even when we are sleeping. Even at the lowest frequency, the repeated exposure to EMFs has led to multiple skin and eye complications, and many have claimed to have developed an electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
The majority of Edmonton has 4G+ coverage, according to Telus/Koodo cellular network coverage map. This network is a much more advanced version of 4G that provides faster service by merging the frequency bands 1800MHz and 2.6GHz.  However, an even faster and better network has arrived in Edmonton. Telus/Koodo provides 5G coverage in the downtown region, as well as the north, west, south, and east sides of Edmonton. Even while 5G provides faster speeds, lower latency, and a more reliable network, it has its own drawbacks.  5G network has been linked to serious health concerns such as cancer. The network uses a unique wavelength (mm-wave) than the previous networks, which have a shorter wavelength but faster speed. The 5G network has increased frequency and energy, posing a health danger to many locals. The network also requires numerous antennas to function, which implies there will be a lot of 5G cell towers in many Edmonton residential areas. People are now more than ever exposed to dangerous radiations generated by technological advancements, which is why it is critical to be informed and invest in protective equipment.
On the following website, Canadian Cellular Towers Map, you can view cellular towers found in different cities all over Canada.
Edmonton Cellular Towers Map

The danger of powerlines

If you live or work near a powerline, you are extremely vulnerable to EMF radiation. EMFs are produced when a current flows via a powerline. The magnetic fields become stronger as the current increases. You are more in danger if you live near a high voltage powerline. Many studies have linked powerline radiation to the development of EHS and childhood leukemia. According to the National Cancer Institute, there is a 1.4-fold increase in childhood leukemia in children exposed to 0.3 T or greater. Despite the fact that many Lynnwood residents have expressed concern about powerlines running through school zones and residences, the city council executive committee opposes the idea to bury power lines. According to Edmonton JournalCouncil’s executive committee voted this week not to endorse plans to cost out driving a portion of Epcor’s 11-kilometre, 72,000-volt overhead transmission line in west Edmonton underground through the Lynnwood area.” This leaves many residents unprotected from dangerous radiation, which is why residents must take precautions and invest in protective equipment to keep themselves safe.


Avoiding EMF is more difficult than ever. Fortunately, there is a solution for everyone to protect themselves from these harmful radiations. There are several types of shielding devices on the market that are portable and in-home gadgets to keep you secure no matter where you are. These devices are made of the best shielding materials available, such as copper and nickel. It is important to remember that EMF shielding devices cannot entirely protect you from radiation, despite the fact that most of them claim to do so. According to a real-world test conducted by electrical engineer and EMF specialist Micheal Newark, most 100% guaranteed shielding garments only block up to 80% – 95% of radiation.
Some of the common EMF shielding technologies you can purchase includes:
  • EMF shielding paint:- coating conductive metals in your home or workplace protects you against EMFs, radio fields and microwaves from your electrical appliances. Shielding paints are also the best for protecting you from external EMF sources such as cell phone towers because they can be used both indoors and outdoors.

  • Window EMF/RF shielding: The primary reason that harmful radiation from external sources such as cell phone towers or powerlines enters your home is through your windows. To avoid this, you should invest in window films that can shield you up to 5 GHz frequency radiation. Most cell phone signals work at 2.4 GHz.  

  •  EMF shielding garments: wearable hats, scarves, and sweaters create a blocking effect, so the radiation can’t penetrate your body.

  • EMF shielding accessories: Phone, tablet, and computer accessories such as phone cases and stickers, as well as jewellery such as necklaces, can absorb those radiations from areas you are unaware of. 
Many people have noticed significant health improvements after deciding to use radiation protection tools. To take preventive measures, you must first identify the specific source of the radiation in your environment. EMF metres are the most accurate instrument for locating radiation sources. If you or a family member notices any EHS symptoms, it is critical to check for radiation in your house or neighbourhood and take necessary precautions so that you and your family may live a safe and healthy life.