EMF Protection for Moncton, NB

Moncton is the largest city in New Brunswick, with a population estimate of 761,214 as of 2021. There are several residents in Moncton that are unaware of the potential EMF exposure in their surroundings. Despite the fact that Health Canada has a safety code (safety code 6) to safeguard citizens from high EMF exposures, many Moncton locals have claimed that there are locations with high radiation exposures and that they do not feel safe. In 2020, NCA conducted an independent study and discovered both non-ionizing and ionizing radiations above the recommended limit around City Hall. This is why residents in Moncton must be aware of EMFs and invest in EMF protection. 
Before we dive even further, let’s define EMF.

What is EMF?

EMF, or electromagnetic field, is a field created when a current is passing through an object. These currents then create an artificial field that is harmful to the human body if exposed to it. That means whenever you turn on your electrical devices, EMFs are present.
EMFs are classified as either ionizing or non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is a kind of radiation that possesses enough energy to create an ion in an atom or molecule by relocating electrons. This is a major concern because when ionization occurs in a live tissue within your body, it can harm the cells and create severe health problems. Ionizing radiation sources include sunlight, x-rays, and gamma rays. Non-ionizing radiation, on the other hand, is the polar opposite of ionizing radiation in that it lacks the necessary energy to ionize atoms or molecules. Non-ionizing radiations include ultraviolet (UV), microwave, infrared light, and radiofrequency.
Many of the EMF radiations you encounter at home are caused by electrical equipment such as cellphones, televisions, microwaves, and so on. What about while you’re outdoors? Outside your house, the primary sources of EMF radiation are cell phone towers and powerlines. In Moncton, the majority of cellular network coverage is 4G+, followed by 4G. Despite the fact that the Rogers Wireless cellular map does not display any 5G cell phone coverage, according to Global newswire  5G network is available in Moncton. 4G+ networks are more advanced than 4G networks as they provide a faster network. When it comes to 5G, this network beats 4G+ and all others with a superfast connection that is 10 times faster than 4G+, minimal buffer time, and a reliable network. As appealing as this sounds, the 5G network is a big public concern as it is a source of high EMF radiation due to the high radio frequency it uses.
Not only does 5G technology have a high frequency, but it also operates on a different wavelength than 4G+ networks. 5G has a shorter wavelength, allowing it to travel faster but shorter. In order to cover a large region and provide reliable signals, numerous towers and antennas must be built everywhere. This is not good news since these towers will be built in your neighbourhoods, exposing you to more EMFs than ever before.
These cellphone towers use radiofrequency (RF) to transmit data and connect people. If you live near a cellphone tower, you will be exposed to it regularly and can develop EHS or electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Cell phone towers are a source of non-ionizing radiations, which are less dangerous than ionizing radiations; however, they can still cause health problems such as migraines, lack of concentration, anxiety, and so on if you are exposed to them often and directly.
Despite the fact that the fifth-generation network, 5G, provides superior network technology, it has not been spared from backlash due to its strong link to cancer development. However, the technology has already made its way to major Canadian cities such as Moncton, with more on the way. Residents in Moncton require a protection method that they can employ in their daily lives.
  On the following website, Canadian Cellular Towers Map, you can view cellular towers found in different cities all over Canada. 
Moncton Cellular Towers Map
Fortunately, there are numerous ways to reduce your exposure to EMFs. There are several effective tools you can use to safeguard yourself and your family by implementing them into your daily life. The majority of these items are composed of materials such as copper and nickel, and they are proven to operate and block radiation efficiently while being affordable and simple to use. However, according to a real-world test conducted by electrical engineer and EMF specialist Micheal Newark, most of this shielding equipment advertises 100% blocking, which is not accurate; instead, most EMF blocking garments shield for around 80% – 95% of radiation.
Some of the popular products you can purchase for EMF protection are:
  • EMF shielding paint:- coating conductive metals in your home or work place protects you against EMFs, Radio fields and microwaves from your electrical appliances. Shielding paints are also the best for protecting you from external EMF sources such as cell phone towers because they can be used both indoors and outdoors.

  • Window EMF/RF shielding: The primary reason that harmful radiation from external sources such as cell phone towers or powerlines enters your home is through your windows. To avoid this, you should invest in window films that can shield you up to 5 GHz frequency radiation. Most cell phone signals work at 2.4 GHz.  

  •  EMF shielding garments: wearable hats, scarves, and sweaters create a blocking effect, so the radiation can’t penetrate your body.

  • EMF shielding accessories: Phone, tablet, and computer accessories such as phone cases and stickers, as well as jewellery such as necklaces, can absorb those radiations in areas you are unaware of.
To keep yourself and your family safe, you must be aware of the threat. If you look around, how many electronics can you spot around? It is almost impossible to avoid EMF in today’s society; therefore, it is critical to understand how to protect oneself from it. EMFs are invisible to the naked eye and can cause significant harm. However, instruments such as the EMF metre have made it simpler to detect them and take necessary measures. Many people who have included protective equipment in their life have experienced significant improvements in their health, and you need to start doing the same. Our goal is to offer valuable information to people looking to protect themselves from EMFs, and we hope this post has helped you get started on your EMF protection journey.