EMF Protection in Windsor, ON

For many years, many people and the media have debated EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity) as a real condition, but many others, including Windsor locals, disagree since the symptoms are real. EMF sensitivity, such as extreme insomnia, severe brain fog and nausea, can develop as a result of EMF exposure. Windsor is a modern metropolis that is also popularly recognized as Canada’s automotive city due to its numerous industrial and manufacturing sectors that have contributed to the city’s economic prosperity over the years. Windsor is also one of the Canadian cities with 5G coverage. 5G, as useful and innovative as it would be in today’s modern world, is one of the primary sources of EMFs and can lead to a variety of health issues.
Before we go any further, let’s define EMF.

What is EMF?

EMFs, or electromagnetic radiations, are electromagnetic radiations generated by devices that have a current flowing through them. This means that your phone, computer, tablets, and other electronic gadgets in your area emit artificial EMFs. Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation are the two types of EMFs. Ionizing radiation is a type of radiation that contains enough energy to produce an ion in atoms or molecules. Non-ionizing radiation, on the other hand, is a form of radiation that does not have enough energy to produce an ion.
According to the Ontario Environment Minister, Windsor is one of the cities in Ontario with the highest levels of smog-causing ozone and other pollutants that are harmful to human health. However, that’s not the only pollution the city must be protected from. EMF radiation is emitted all over the city via cellular towers and powerlines, affecting the entire population.

The danger of cellphone towers and 5G in Windsor

According to Rogers-Wireless cellular tower map, many of the cell phone towers found in Windsor are 4G+ networks. This network is a more upgraded version of a 4G network with four times the speed. However, a faster network, 5G, has also made its way to Windsor. 5G provides about ten times the speed of 4G+, making internet browsing even more enjoyable. Not only that but 5G technology is being pushed even harder in the city, with the narrative that the city of Windsor would profit since it will make automotive production easier.
As much as this is true in terms of making our lives easier, the downside is that 5G operates at a much different wavelength than 4G, which runs at a high frequency ranging from 24 GHz up to 40 GHz. According to Health Canada’s safety code 6, “the only established adverse health effects associated with RF field exposure are frequencies ranging from 3kHz to 300GHz.” Any radiation in the range might induce tissue heating and other significant health problems. To put the danger of 5G into more perspective, a microwave cooks your food at a frequency of 2.45GHz, which is 21.55GHz lower than the frequency of 5G. Furthermore, in order for the 5G network to work and allow it to travel great distances, multiple antennas must be installed everywhere, including in your neighbourhoods.
Aside from 5G causing severe health concerns, powerlines and other cellular network towers in your neighbourhood expose you to additional radiations. Even while non-ionizing radiations from cell phone towers are not as harmful as ionizing radiations, they can still cause health issues such as headaches, depression, anxiety, lack of focus, and so on. This is why there is a need for EMF protection in Windsor so that residents can be protected from these hazardous EMF exposures that are beyond their control.
On the following website, Canadian Cellular Towers Map, you can view cellular towers found in different cities all over Canada.
Windsor Cellular Towers Map


Fortunately, there are several methods for protecting oneself against EMF. There are several EMF shielding solutions you can include into your everyday lives to improve your living space and reduce your exposure.
Some of the most common EMF protection methods are as follows:
  • EMF shielding paint:- coating conductive metals in your home or work place protects you against EMFs, radio fields and microwaves from your electrical appliances. Shielding paints are also the best for protecting you from external EMF sources such as cell phone towers because they can be used both indoors and outdoors.

  • Window EMF/RF shielding: The primary reason that harmful radiation from external sources such as cell phone towers or powerlines enters your home is through your windows. To avoid this, you should invest in window films that can shield you up to 5 GHz frequency radiation. Most cell phone signals work at 2.4 GHz.  

  •  EMF shielding garments: wearable hats, scarves, and sweaters create a blocking effect, so the radiation can’t penetrate your body.

  • EMF shielding accessories: Phone, tablet, and computer accessories such as phone cases and stickers, as well as jewellery such as necklaces, can absorb those radiations from areas you are unaware of.
To begin your protection strategy, you must first identify where the risk is coming from. EMF metres are the best tools for accurately locating radiation sources so you can implement your protective techniques. Despite the fact that many news outlets claim that utilizing electrical appliances is safe, independent studies have found otherwise. Additionally, many people who have developed EHS have had real-life symptoms and have had their lives disrupted as a result of it. By keeping a safe distance from potential EMF emitters and incorporating EMF shielding into your life, you can establish a safe environment to keep you and your family safe wherever you go.