Environmental Impacts of EMF Pollution

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We frequently overlook the environmental impacts of EMF pollution. Technological developments have allowed us to make the most use of our natural resources while also making our everyday lives easier. It is safe to say that we are technologically dependent. Your phone, computer, TV, microwave, and other contemporary electrical equipment emit EMF, which has been linked to negative impacts on the human body and the environment. However, little study has been conducted on the impacts of EMF on the environment. EMF pollution is one of several elements that affect our environment. To be completely safe from EMF exposure, you must clean out your environment of EMFs and be aware of the negative effects it has on the environment in order to take the necessary precautions.

In this article, we will discuss,

What is EMF

Fields emitted by a current-flowing substance are known as electromagnetic fields or EMFs.The sun, the earth, and the human body are all-natural EMF sources. Except for radiation from the sun, which causes skin cancer, the intensity of these fields is too poor to cause any significant harm. On the other hand, artificial EMFs generated by human-made sources such as x-rays, MRI, radio stations, tv stations, and power lines induce high-frequency magnetic waves that can cause serious health hazards.

Type of EMF

  • Ionizing EMF:- Ionizing radiation has a high frequency that is powerful enough to remove an electron from a living tissue’s atom, allowing it to ionize. These types of radiation are our primary concern because the unstable atoms they generate in your body harm your nervous system and cause cell and tissue damage.
Examples of ionizing radiation are Gamma-rays and x-rays.
  • Non-ionizing EMF:- On the other hand, non-ionizing radiation does not carry enough energy to remove an electron from an atom.
Non-ionizing radiation includes the spectrum of ultraviolet (UV), Visible light, Infrared (IR), Microwave (MW), Radiofrequency (RF)
Fortunately, non-ionizing radiation at a highly low-level frequency cannot cause serious health hazards like ionizing ones. But non-ionizing radiation at specific frequencies and continuous, direct exposure to them are still known to cause health effects.
The International Commission maintains EMF exposure guidelines on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). The guidelines are the result of years of research by EMF experts. Many appliances are checked to ensure they don’t expose people to EMFs higher than the ICNIRP guidelines.
If your EMF exposure is below the thresholds outlined in the following recommendations, no documented health effects are predicted.
  • Natural electromagnetic fields: 200 V/m
  • Power mains (not close to power lines): 100 V/m
  • Power mains (close to power lines): 10,000 V/m
  • Electric trains and trams: 300 V/m
  • TV and computer screens: 10 V/m
  • TV and radio transmitters: 6 V/m
  • Mobile phone base stations: 6 V/m
  • Radars: 9 V/m
  • Microwave ovens: 14 V/m
EMF is measured in volts per metre (V/m). The greater the number of volts, the greater the exposure.

EMF biological effects

According to the World Health Organization, there is no conclusive empirical proof that weak signals from base stations and wireless networks cause health problems. However, some experts claim if you live near a mobile phone tower or high voltage powerline, you have been exposed to high-level artificial EMFs. These high-intensity electromagnetic fields have more energy than low-intensity electromagnetic fields, and they can destroy, mutate, or cause cancer in living cells.
Electromagnetic fields can be harmful not only because of the risk of cancer but also because they can cause other health issues like,
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Suicide 
  • Depression
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of libido.
  • Tremor
  • Dizziness
  • Memory loss
  • Loss of concentration
EMF not only has harmful effects on humans, but it can also induce biological changes in animals, plants, and water sources that have been exposed to radiation. When a living organism is exposed to electromagnetic fields, the radiation hits body receptors, causing cells to change or malfunction by breaking DNA strands, resulting in several organ and body failures. On the other hand, radiation affects water at the molecular level, altering its hydrogen bonds and resulting in low-quality plants with weak nutrient absorption. Humans and animals should avoid eating or consuming radiated water and plants unless the water is tested first and the radiation is below the ICNIRP guidelines.
Some of EMFs sources emitted into the environments include,
  • Radio station
  • TV Transmitters
  • Radar systems
  • High Voltage Power Lines
  • Underwater Power Cables 

Impacts of EMF on the environment

If you look around you, it is hard to spot a place where there is no electrical system around it. Every day, the EMF released from these sources affects our living organisms and natural bodies that are necessary to sustain life. Some studies have shown that plants growing near a power line are being damaged due to the electric field strengths being far above ICNIRP’s levels. Public concerns have also been raised on low milk productions on cows that are grazing near the power lines. Furthermore, marine animals are also one of the living creatures affected by the radiation emitted by undersea power cables.

Organisms that are sensitive to EMFs

  • Migratory birds, bats, and insects that heavily rely on magnetic fields to navigate or migrate.
  • Aquatic animals, such as sharks and rays that possess electric sense organs.
  • Animals with a poor defence system and that have trouble controlling their body temperature
  • fish, reptiles, mammals
  • Farm animals grazing near transmitting antennas or under power lines
Studies on Low-frequency radiations below the ICNIRP’s guideline levels have found no evidence of adverse EMF effects on plants and animals. While it is well recognized that electric fields greater than 1kV/m can disrupt insect flight, substantial effects have only been observed in bees in electrically conductive hives. Despite the fact that there is insufficient research to include a definitive report on the impact of EMF emissions on the environment, it is prudent to avoid areas where EMF from powerful sources exceeds the ICNIRP’s recommendations, which causes cancer and thermal effects, increasing the temperature of organisms exposed to it and damaging their cells and tissues.


It is critical to safeguard yourself and your environment from harmful radiation to avoid dangerous health hazards to you and your loved ones.
Some of the things you can do to reduce environmental exposure of EMFs are,
  • Purchase an EMF meter to locate radiated areas accurately 
  • If you have metal water pipes, replace them with non-conductive materials 
  • Hire an electrician to examine and ground conductive water lines. 
  • If you live near poorly grounded, power lines report it to the concerned authority or relocate as it creates a ground current with a strong magnetic field.
  • Avoid letting animals graze near powerlines or any other transmitter towers
  • Use EMFs shielding devices 
  • Turn off electric devices when you don’t need to use them 
  • Avoid using wireless devices.
  • Establishing wave-free zones that are not covered by the wireless network
  • If you know plants or animals have been subjected to EMF radiation, avoid eating them.
Even though published studies provide unclear details about the relation between electromagnetic pollution and its effect on the environment, it is critical to be aware of their impact and to be able to implement potential preventive measures until well-studied experimental investigations on animals and plants are available.

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