Danger Levels of EMF Exposure

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Your daily EMF exposure and electronic gadgets your exposed to determines the amount of danger you face. Since we can’t live in a totally EMF-free environment, we all need to be aware of the exposure limitations to keep us safe. ICNIRP establishes and enforces standards to ensure that people are not exposed to dangerous levels of electromagnetic fields. Numerous organizations keep tabs on the danger levels of electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which all depend on where you reside. Here in Canada, Health Canada has developed a document called Safety Code 6, which is a guideline that establishes acceptable RF electromagnetic radiation exposure levels for humans.
In this article, we discuss

What is EMF?

Electromagnetic fields are fields created when there is a moving electrical charge (current). These invisible fields can be created naturally or artificially. The higher the frequency of an induced electrical field, the more hazardous it is. According to a NIEHS study, using cellphones, wifi routers, or the internet might expose you to dangerous levels of electromagnetic field (EMF). High amounts of radiation can harm the body by causing burns, hair loss, tissue damage, and other serious side effects. It is one of the reasons why gamma rays are used in cancer therapies to eliminate sick cells in the body. However, there are many low-level energy gadgets everywhere around us that produce radiation. One of them is cell phones, which represent a significant risk as our dependence on them grows.

Who sets the limits for EMF?

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) establishes EMF exposure limits. ICNIRP is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that analyses data from all around the world to provide guidelines that are also recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). Every few years, the ICNIRP evaluates its recommendations to ensure that they are up to date with all of the knowledge so that people and governments may follow and implement the EMF rules. This implies that, while they can choose to comply with the guidelines provided, the guidelines differ per country. The government and public utilities on the other hand are in charge of EMF exposure levels such as powerlines, cellular towers, and other EMF sources.

How are the guidelines set?

Animal tests have been performed to check for changes in behaviour in order to create the guidelines. When radiation produces an adverse reaction, it’s considered hazardous, and the amount of radiation is high. A safety factor is also applied to the discovered findings so that even if there is a mistake in the calculations, there is a buffer in the guideline limits to safeguard the people. These factors are different for those in the general public than those who work. This is because the general public involves people who may be too weak to handle the radiation exposure, but those working would have been given training on how to handle the machines that have high-level EMF. Protective gear or education helps people get themselves better prepared. These limits don’t take the long-term exposure of low-level radiation into account because it is hard to find a correlation between them, especially since there may be other factors that could have caused the illnesses.
There are no known health consequences if you are exposed to EMF levels below these guidelines:
  • Natural electromagnetic fields: 200 V/m
  • Power mains (not close to power lines): 100 V/m
  • Power mains (close to power lines): 10,000 V/m 
  • Electric trains and trams: 300 V/m
  • TV and computer screens: 10 V/m
  • TV and radio transmitters: 6 V/m
  • Mobile phone base stations: 6 V/m
  • Radars: 9 V/m
  • Microwave ovens: 14 V/m

What are EMFs measured by?

EMFs are measured by volts per meter (v/m). The stronger the electromagnetic radiation, the worse it affects your health. These metrics assist in figuring just how dangerous the electrical device you’re utilizing is. There are EMF metres available that can detect radiation in your vicinity if you’re ever concerned. A portable EMF metre is a tiny, lightweight instrument that can be used anywhere. For more shielding gadget options, check out EMR Shielding Solutions Inc.
EMf radiations from everyday appliances:
Appliance  EMF (V/m)
Electric Trains  300
UV Rays  200
Stereo  180
Iron 120
Fridge  120
Toaster  80
TV 60
Coffee Machine  60
Vacuum Machine  50
Microwave  14
Computer  10
Radio 6
It’s important to keep in mind that these are only guidelines and that actual results may vary per brand of products. One way to prevent radiation is to create a safe distance. If you keep the EMF-posing devices at least 30 cm away, the radiation it emits will be below the safe level. The majority of household goods are designed to be used away from the user’s body wherever possible. In today’s consumerist society, our homes are packed with electronic appliances to make our lives simpler. Even if the recommended limit of radiation in your house is 5000 V/m, it is clear from the gadgets above that the limit increases when the devices are added together.

​​Danger levels

Safety Code 6 is a guideline developed by Health Canada that defines the maximum amount of RF electromagnetic radiation that humans can be exposed to. The code limits exposure to RF EMFs in the frequency range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz. These limitations are established in Safety Code 6 to safeguard all citizens, particularly those who operate near radio frequency transmitters. Furthermore, while Health Canada advises acceptable human exposure limits, RF radiation exposure in the general population is not regulated.
According to the Canadian government, some of the communication devices that fall inside the spectrum include:
  • Wi-Fi
  • cell phones
  • smart meters
  • those using 5G technology

What happens if you are exposed to EMF?

You should not ignore the possibility of being exposed to EMFs. It’s almost impossible to live in the modern world without being exposed to EMFs. This is dangerous since the EMFs are invisible to the eye and have the capacity to pass through walls and even up the fences.
In the presence of EMF, your body’s metabolic functions get hampered. By altering the chemical structure of tissue and changing the body’s electric current, EMF has the potential to create significant health issues. Chemical reactions that occur naturally in the body generate few electric currents. The majority of reactions are triggered by digestion or brain activity and occur when charged particles break apart.
The intensity of the magnetic field outside can influence the current’s strength. If it is large, it has the potential to stimulate the nerves and muscles and impact our biological systems.

EMFs in Appliances

EMFs are mostly generated by electrical equipment. Microwaves, wifi routers, mobile phones, washing machines, and televisions (which have a maximum output of 6 Milligauss), are all sources of EMFs in our homes.

What about microwave danger?

Microwaves use high amounts of electromagnetic energy to heat food. Because microwaves utilize a lot of power and generate a lot of heat, they can emit hazardous electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Although most microwaves feature radiation-shielding doors to keep the radiation within, if the door gets damaged or broken, you are at risk of being exposed to harmful levels of EMF. But make sure to keep your distance of about 30 centimetres (1 foot) at all times, even if you don’t have a damaged microwave. If the door or shielding appears damaged, it’s best to buy a new microwave right away. When the door seals on the microwave are compromised or broken, scientists say that any frequency over 10 hertz can damage your body and cause health problems. If those seals fail, you will be exposed to dangerous EMF waves which can impair the immune system. This means you are more likely to get cataracts, birth defects, cancer, and other health problems with a weaker immune system. Make sure your microwave’s limit is between 0.5 mG (Milgauss) and 2.5 mG.

The danger of living near a powerline

It is important to be aware of EMf exposure if you live near a powerline. EMFs emitted by high-voltage power lines are far greater than those emitted by home appliances. The greater the distance between you and a powerline, the less EMF from the powerline may harm you. For example, a magnetic field of 6.8 Milgauss can be found close to a 300-kilovolt transmission line. This is 7.8 milgauss at 10 feet and 9.1 milgauss at 8 feet. Consider consulting an expert if you live very close to a powerline and you are worried about electromagnetic fields.

Should you be worried about electric trains?

In light of the relationship between electricity and electric fields, the sound of electrical trains may raise concerns. Electric trains, however, are not a concern because parts that generate such high levels of radiation are kept away from passenger carriages. Therefore, the distance is greater than 30 cm, which falls below the danger requirements.

Are cell phones dangerous

Despite their low level of radiation, cell phones have caused some people to be concerned about possible health effects. One of the major concerns is cancer. Research conducted by the World Health Organization found that there may be a relationship between mobile phone use and an increased risk of brain tumours. Cell phones cannot function without mobile phone towers. These towers cover a specific region, and depending on the number of calls in the area; more towers could be installed. Cellphone towers are another source of EMFs. Because the antennas on these towers are so far up, it is not too dangerous for the general people to be near them. However, it is not advised for individuals to be in close proximity to the towers.
As mentioned before, all technology has an impact on us and might create health complications. Cell phones nowadays rely on cell phone towers, which produce radiofrequency radiation. This is from the non-ionizing radiation spectrum’s lower end. In such cases, there is no scientific proof that cell phones are linked to health problems. More research is needed, and you should stay up to date on the latest news for your health and safety.

The dangers of EMF on your brain

We now know that exposure to EMF may be harmful to your health, but did you know that it can also affect your brain? EMF radiation has been linked to concerns like suicide, depression, neurological and cognitive problems, and even cancer in people who are sensitive towards it. Headache, tremor, dizziness, loss of memory, lack of focus, and sleep disruption are all examples of side effects. Being exposed to EMF can impair your everyday activities and routine by interfering with your brain function.


You should not take anything that might endanger your health lightly. For numerous years, many homeowners have complained about radiations emitted by their electrical equipment affecting their health. Even if nations such as Canada have a safety code in place to limit high exposure to EMF radiations at home, you will still need to use precautionary measures and be constantly aware of your surroundings in order to keep you and your loved ones safe.

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