How to Protect Yourself from WIFI EMF Exposure

Measuring and protecting against WIFI EMF is an important step in ensuring the safety of your environment. To protect yourself from the dangers of EMF, you must first understand its nature and the source in your home or workplace. You can then proceed to measure the threat using the appropriate instrument and take the necessary precautions. Despite the fact that 5G networks have been pushed as a harmful technology due to radiation dangers, you would be surprised to learn that wired networks, your WIFI router, can also have more power than wireless networks. Because we live in a world where everything is facilitated by technology and electrical gadgets, it is difficult to get rid of all technology. However, it is critical to understand how to utilize these technologies properly and without endangering your health.
In this article:

What is WIFI? How does it work?

WIFI stands for wireless fidelity, and it refers to the radio waves delivered from your WIFI router to a nearby device, allowing you to connect to the internet and surf without being restricted by an ethernet cable. WIFI operates by producing highly powerful localized EMF at 2.4GHz and 5GHz wavelengths. To put these in perspective, a microwave transmits a frequency of 2.450GHz to heat our meal. However, WIFI radiation is a non-ionizing frequency with a wave 500 000 times weaker than those that can cause cancer. Even though non-ionizing radiation is less harmful and requires less energy to generate ions in your body’s atoms, we should be mindful of all types of radiation.
What makes WIFIEMF different?


When was the last time you turned off your home WIFI? Most of us keep our WIFI on all the time. The concern is that leaving your WIFI on all the time will flood your area with radiation and expose you to it constantly. According to the Canadian government, there are no health hazards associated with WIFI as long as the radiofrequency waves do not exceed the limit. However, your body can absorb radio waves released by activated WIFI if you are close to it or if the intensity of the WIFI is strong. The problem is that there haven’t been enough studies done on the long-term effects of being exposed to the EMF radiated by WIFI routers. However, many people have developed EHS and seen significant improvements in their health after deciding to get rid of and turn off potential EMF emitting gadgets in their homes, including their WIFI routers. This is problematic since the latest version of WIFI (WIFI 6) is expected to be released over the next several years, which will have a stronger connection and quicker speed.

WIFI health risks

According to ScienceDirect, WIFI presents a threat to human health. WIFI has been linked to stress, testicular damage, neuropsychiatric/ EEG abnormalities, specific cell damage, endocrine changes, and calcium excess, according to research. The general symptoms most WIFIusers experience have been classified by WHO as EHS or electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome. Although EHS has not been formally categorized or tested, the world has decided to acknowledge it.
Here are some of the many symptoms:
Difficulty sleeping
  • Due to the signals available, sleeping near a turned-on WIFI router has been connected to several health risks. Sleep deprivation and insomnia are both possible side effects.
  • Many people complain of headaches as one of their primary symptoms. Acute headaches, discomfort, and dizziness can be caused by high signal frequencies.
Worsened mood and depressive symptoms
  • WIFI signals impact brain activity, which has been related to depression and anxious feelings as well as other mental health issues.
Tiredness and fatigue
  • WIFI transmissions have been linked to reduced melatonin release (the sleep-wake cycle’s hormone) and increased norepinephrine secretion at night.
Lack of concentration
  • Because of the radiation’s ability to cause dizziness and brain fog, performing day-to-day chores might become challenging.
 For more information on the EHS associated with WIFI EMF see, Radiation and health.

How to measure WIFI EMF Exposure

Different instruments on the market have made it simple to determine WIFI EMF exposure. You must first choose the proper detecting equipment, whether at home or at the office. A high-frequency metre such as the HF-B3G or the AF-3500 is required to measure WIFI frequency. Once the measurement has been completed, providing protection against WIFI EMFs is the next important step. Electric field values exceeding 10 V/m (Volts per metre) in a home are considered high. It is important to consult experts if you are unsure of what type of measuring device you exactly need.

How to protect against WIFI EMF Exposure

You must eliminate EMF pollution from your house in order to create a secure environment in which you and your family can thrive. Even though eliminating all sources of EMF radiation from your home is difficult, there are actions you can take to minimize your chance of developing health problems. There are times when removing your home router is not an option since you need it for various activities such as entertainment, work, and other necessities. So, here are some things you can do around your house to reduce Wi-Fi radiation impacts.
  1. Turn off your router
  2. When you don’t need to use your router, for example, when you’re at work and the home is empty. You can switch off your WIFIso that when you return, you will be greeted with a radiation-free home. Also, consider turning off your router before going to bed.

  3. Move your router
  4. Keeping a safe distance is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself against EMFs. If turning off your router isn’t an option, you can simply relocate it away from your body and, if possible, outside your bedroom. If not, make sure your router is not too close to your head or sleeping area.

  5. Get rid of your router.
  6. Of course, the third alternative is to get rid of your router entirely. This approach could be the most challenging to apply. However, if you discover that WIFI signals are affecting your health, get rid of your router and see if it helps improve your health. It can also provide you with a little breather from radiation before you decide to use WIFI again.

  7. Limit time used
  8. Limit the amount of time that you use the internet. If you absolutely need the internet in your home then limit the amount of time that you use it. Many routers now come with a feature that can automatically disable the internet after a certain amount of time.

  9. Use wired connection
  10.  If you need to use the internet, who says it has to be wireless?  Take advantage of ethernet cables when you need to use the internet. Ethernet cables do not emit EMF and work just as well as Wi-Fi, most times even better. 

  11. Don’t use Bluetooth
  12. Bluetooth uses the same frequencies as Wi-Fi.  If you are someone who’s looking to limit your time on the internet or in circumstances where EMF are present, turn off your Bluetooth. 

  13. Use protective equipment.
  14. Because Wi-Fi is becoming such a popular commodity to have in public areas, wearing specifically designed protective clothing such as scarves, caps, or sweaters will provide you with an added layer of security.

Many people are unable to live without WIFI. As a result, you will need to take precautions and protective measures in order to stay safe when using the internet. Even though additional testing and research on EMF produced by WIFI are needed. There have been visible symptoms that many people have had as a result of their exposure, and many people have noticed a difference in their health once they decided to turn off their WIFI and start following a protective approach. So, if you want to live a happier, healthier life, make sure you invest in protective equipment and techniques.

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